Sunday 4 September 2011

Happy Sunday

This morning at 6.40am I wished my Twitter followers an Happy Sunday! I thought it would be good to reflect on what that short phrase has meant for me over th years. This is where it all began:
St Lawrence in the Square, Winchester. This church was my spiritual home during my first few years away from home - the university years. I used to call home every Sunday and wish my Mum and Dad a Happy Sunday after worshipping at St Lawrence in the morning and my only decent meal of the week, a pub roast! Sundays were for me then at least, a time of joy and sadness. I loved to worship at St Lawrence' but I was at my most homesick on a Sunday too. Occasionally after having been deep in prayer I would glance up towards the altar and be surprised to see it was not Dad presiding. I would enjoy a pub meal with friends but actually would have preferred to be at home at my parent's table. So with the advent of mobile phones, Happy Sunday was easier. Instead of waiting untill after worship and lunch to queue for the payphone and call my parents I could send a text. As Mum and I continued to do long after the Winchester part of my life had been completed. So Happy Sunday one and all, whether you are presiding, leading, serving, reading, interceeding, singing, playing music, worshipping in the congregation. Happy Sunday also to those whose Sunday does not involve a time of worship.

A prayer for all those who are off to university, and leaving their 'home' church behind for a time:
God of all, Protect and stengthen all those who are at transitional phases in their lives, Be with those new adults who are venturing into the world alone, May they find a spiritual home from home, and feel your presence with them, May all their Sundays be happy ones! In Jesus' name, Amen.

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